Kelelawar Tapal Kuda = Horseshoe Bat
Harimau Siberia = Siberian Tiger
Penyu Tempayan =
Elang ekor ikan putih = white tailed sea eagle
monyet ekor singa = lion tailed monkey
Penguin Jackass = Jackass Penguin
numbat = numbat
black footed ferret = black footed ferret
Badak bercula satu = one horned rhino
and many things else. We hunt them but we not think that it is very bad. Yes, they almost extinct how can we save it? by saving these animals and don't hunt it without the president or mayor permission, the forest burned by human, etc. yes, we make them almost extinct. that's all. What do you think about these?? Is this make you more know about nature??
halooo, saya iji pake foto badaknya ya. makasih :)